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A Companies DNA

An enterprise is nothing but the commitment of people gaining aims together. And nothing interests people more than people. Their inner drive, their strength, their doubts and their success are the best material for good stories. Experienced on the pulse of time and told in a dramaturgically exciting way, these perspectives develop conviction and power: told in
the language of our time – film. Whether as a major biopic with a historical dimension, an
emotional reportage or an online campaign.


Where do your products settle in life? What do your employees stand for when they compete for the best results? Elaborate your company a face. We’re not talking about classic product advertising. This can be done by some others possibly better. We want to convince. With your true facts, with your people, with the power of your personality.


The rapid pace of change in the media landscape is our expertise. Hardly anyone has
any idea where and how quickly interactions and demands on communication are changing. This plays a hidden role in economy. Who screws up their visibility? We know the mechanisms. As journalists, filmmakers, media consultants and coaches. And we design individual strategies, stringent from a single source.

It’s all about Humans

That is our approach. We come from the world of media makers.

As beneficial as digitization is for almost all areas of the economy, it has brought changes in our minds. Changes, that we all still pay too little attention to. Yes, digitization is also finding a reaction in us analog people. It is driving a change in perception in each and every one of us. It is changing the news, the choice of personal communication and the perception of social reality.

Already we are in the midst of politics. Agenda setting is also driven by the flow of media attention. Faster and more intense than ever. Excitement, thumbs up or thumbs down, in other words little room for nuances: that’s the path taken. This makes it difficult for topics in the business world. Here, everything is closely linked, local, regional, global. That makes circumstances often too complicated for a quick explanation. Here, journalists tend to expect less emotionality and, all too often, even lower ratings, because they see the roles of the business world as clearly distributed. It is therefore the responsibility of companies to make themselves visible.

We create your Digitized Identity with emotional and authentic content. Wellington Fields has developed methods to make business a different experience. We start with the positioning of your company and work with you to find the exciting stories that define your workforce, your drive and ultimately your products.

Your Digitized Identity strengthens employer branding, EVP, customer opinion and protects against unfair attacks. Our joint process starts with the simple question: Who are you?


Digitized Identity

»No business without feeling. No decision without instinct. Entrepreneurs
need to become aware of the risks that digital facelessness poses today. Let
us get to know you.«
Ulrike Gehring

CEO Wellington Fields GmbH

Experience You Can Trust

Protect and strengthen your corporate brand. Sharpen your employer branding. We work with you to create an EVP that can be implemented audiovisually… Create added value.

We have visited countless companies, factories, corporations, and accompanied them on film and/or in an advisory capacity. Each of them unfolds its own personality on the observer. A profile that can stand for the brand and for products. Only: You have to see it and make it emotionally visible.

Create trust, across digital hurdles.

This is where our principle of authentic shooting comes into play. Our international success is based on empathy, trust in the real thing, and cinematic and narrative craftsmanship with a high-gloss appeal. We do not make commercials. We let you and your business world convince, with the power of your personalities. This has an effect on customers, future employees, partners and protects you from skeptics.

Storytelling at it’s best.

A Logo can not smile

Yes, a logo doesn’t smile. A website doesn’t get wrinkles. And the digital click is a far cry from the trusting handshake between business people. All the more so when the new social reality is fed by the image from the virtual network.

All the senses that have so far reliably guided makers and customers emotionally in business no longer function digitally. So how do we transfer the healthy instinct of good communication into the digital present? Business without a gut feeling loses its power and confidence. And in the changing media, business is even losing its social status. If we don't get ready for the digital present. All of us.

Monday-Friday – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Wellington Fields GmbH
Hanauer Landstraße 52
60314 Frankfurt am Main


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