There is so much under the skin
The Content Company
Business is exciting. But it is far too invisible in the media – and thus in society and politics. We are committed to changing this, out of conviction.
Wellington Fields is a content company. It accompanies companies on their way into audiovisual communication. As a consulting unit of the renowned film production company screen art° productions gmbh, Wellington Fields benefits from the know-how of internationally awarded television producers and makers.
Unlike advertising agencies, we work with reality as our material. Credibility is the basis of our existence. Authenticity is not a buzzword, but the goal of all our results. That’s how we reach people. Genuine. Special.
We are makers in the complete package. With our own realizers, equipment, studio, post-production and editing, We trust in our principle of authentic filming. We know the secret of the enormous subcutaneous effect of our results. Forewarning: This is different. And this is different.
Meaning: we plan well and gladly, but we don’t script. Protagonists and actors need space. Reality needs space. Intuitive, but with strategy. Emotionally but professionally.
Those who can get involved and trust the power of reality alongside us will experience the effect of an emotional signature. And a convincing story.
Ulrike Gehring
Communication expert from the field
In developing the Digitized Identity concepts, the Wellington Fields boss has drawn on experience from the many perspectives of her own media work.
In all her work, Ulrike Gehring stands for showing people’s values, attitudes and motivation as genuinely, as closely and as comprehensibly as possible. Especially from the world of business.
She is a communications expert, television maker, media entrepreneur and international multi-award winning filmmaker.
Whether as a program planner in the daily TV magazine or as an author of documentaries and series: Making decisions about which topics become of public interest, when and in which narrative style, are a natural basis of work for the trained editor and journalist.
She has done print, radio and television, created online platforms; So knows all areas of the media. She was a presenter on radio and television for many years and passes on her knowledge as a lecturer. To journalists, but especially in seminars and media trainings to talents and leaders from economy, society and politics. Her knowledge of perceptual instincts and subconscious aspects in reception behavior and her extreme practical relevance prove to be extremely useful, especially in times of crisis or when dealing with complex topics.
Ask for Details (+49) 69 154004 26
Monday-Friday – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wellington Fields GmbH
Hanauer Landstraße 52
60314 Frankfurt am Main