Let Us Handle Your Profile With Strategy
Growth by relevance
Communication support by media experts. We position, visualize, text and narrate you; your company, its personality and its attitude.
Your Story is the key for next step growth.

Overnight a shitstorm. The nightmare of many companies. Some industries are particularly at risk of falling victim to an unfair social media current. Suddenly controlled by others, Suddenly in danger. Now it’s time to think politically, assess journalistically and communicate strategically. And do it quickly.
Our support helps when it happens. Better yet, our concepts prevent the crisis. In an unfair presentation, it’s better to be prepared.

Is the neighboring company luring you with the bigger name, the nicer city or better
goodies? Your trainees are already dancing on TikTok, but the applicant inbox remains
empty? We research your place in the public perception. As a basis for our digital concepts. Let us get to know you. If one knows what makes you tick, they’ll have a good feeling about
joining the team.

Whether approaching investors or acquiring political funding, behind every venture
investment is the hope for security of the company’s imagination. Here, too, the best storytelling is the key. Confident presentations, media-trained executives. Welcome to us.
We accompany tech startups, take over the positioning, CEO training, set social triggers and take care of
the media as well as political communication.
The answer to this question is the product of Wellington Fields. We develop communication that makes business an authentic experience. Storytelling from internationally successful media makers.
Your Story is the Key for next step growth.
Finding your story and positioning you in a socially relevant environment is important to us. Narrating you in word and film – the language of the digital now, means: supporting you in a variety of business challenges.
Our expertise is to classify your story in an authentic and credible way and to implement it at the highest level of craftsmanship. We call it digitized identity. and mean attitude and personality
Client Reviews
A film as exciting as a thriller: With over 120,000 online views overnight alone and strong ratings in
the TV broadcasts. That’s what Ulrike Gehring and her team achieved for us. With their uniquely
authentic storytelling that resonates and touches. Thank you for that!
A major strength: Wellington Fields develops a clear positioning and holistic video marketing strategy based on detailed analyses of the market situation. This has significantly shaped the digital identity of our group of companies.
Thank you, Uli & team, for the joint “journey” and great collaboration!
We never expected that the interested view from the outside would trigger so much enthusiasm
among the employees as well. Everyone was very enthusiastic. The film is great – we can only
recommend Ulrike Gehring and her team.
They regularly manage to tell insights into companies in an exciting way and to make complicated contexts understandable: Thank you for your professional and reliable cooperation. Your understanding of the world of business shapes the films: Always an enrichment for our major events.
Our teams have already created stories from the following companies:
- Adacor Hosting GmbH
- Appetito AG
- Bauer Privatmolkerei GmbH&Co.KG
- Bertelsmann AG
- Carthago Reisemobil GmbH
- Dell GmbH
- Deutsche Bundesbahn
- Deutsche Fachpflege Holding GmbH
- Doppelmayr GmbH
- Dual Plattenspieler
- HD. Schunk GmbH
- Honda Research
- Hengstenberg GmbH&Co.KG
- Herrenknecht AG Tunnelbau
- IHK Frankfurt am Main
- Robert Bosch/ Junkers
- Tegut
- Steca Elektronik
- Roche Diagnostics
- LVM Versicherungen
- Mahle Ventiltrieb GmbH
- MANRoland- Sheetfed GmbH
- Miele & Cie. KG
- Stihl AG & Co. KG
- Wasserkraft Volk AG
- Paul Hartmann AG
- Max Holder GmbH
- Monkey 47
- Kia-Motors
- Mercedes-Benz
- u.v.a
Get in Touch, get visible.
(+49) 69-15400 426
More Information and Contact
Monday-Friday – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Wellington Fields GmbH
Hanauer Landstraße 52
60314 Frankfurt am Main